Dear Faithful Followers of the Lord Jesus,
I am thankful as you are for the rain. I think many of us were concerned as the drought conditions would affect the growth of crops and the harvest time in the fall. Thank the Lord our prayers have been answered. Many things we can do without but rain is not one of them.
Just as the water is necessary for crops to grow and for us to have food, so the water of the word of God is necessary also for fruit in our lives. God wants to speak but do we want to listen to his word? In order to hear we must read and take in the word of God daily.
I know I speak about this quite often but the necessity of this truth is vital. No rain, no crops, no food, so it is true spiritually. I hope you are taking time in God’s word regularly.
Please pray for our Vacation Bible School for K-5 as it meets beginning Sunday, August 6, 7:00-8:30 p.m. Sister Tammy Erdeyli is heading things up as the main teacher & planner. She has done a great job in the past and I believe she and all those who help her will do a great job this year. The sign-up sheet is on the table under the bulletin board if you would like to help out. We will meet right after morning church on the 6th of August for a brief meeting.
Missionary Joan Schmitz from Gambia, West Africa will be sharing with us Sunday, August 20 at the 11:00 a.m. service. I know Joan will have much to share that morning.
I am planning a membership class for August 6 – 27. If you are not a member, please consider this your invitation to come and check out the four-session class to see if you would like to be a member. Please let me know if you can be a part of things. We will meet in my office at 10:00 a.m.
Awana and teen group is not that far away starting Wednesday, September 6, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. We are looking for all the help we can get! Please let me know if you can help. Background checks are required to work with our children and teens. Please see Kathy if you need this done.
Thankful and dependent upon the Master,
Pastor Perry