Pastor's Corner

September, 2023

Dear Faithful Servants of Wyebrook,


Psalm 34 :1 gives us a huge challenge. I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth.


Though this challenge reminds us how much we need to praise the Lord; I would much rather have his praise in my mouth than my foot! Amen? Amen. Something for each of us to work on. We have much to praise him about.


We had a great time at Vacation Bible School this past month. I greatly appreciate Tammy, Mike and Jonathan Erdeyli who headed things up and all the adults and teens that helped! Things were well organized and it ran very smoothly. Thanks again to all of you that volunteered. Have I mentioned lately that I love our volunteers?!


A lot is going on in the month of September.

Wednesday, September 6, 7:00-8:30 p.m. begins with Awana and Teen group in our gym. Registration forms for children and teens are on the table under the bulletin board or on the web site at If you are interest in helping on Wednesdays please let me know.

Saturday, September 16, 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. is Honey Brook Harmony Day. We have an opportunity to reach out to the community with our puppet show, balloons, and literature that we will be passing out. This is a great time to “advertise” our Church and its ministries. We will need some help doing this! Maybe you can only help for an hour or two. Please sign up on the sheet on the table under the bulletin board. Many hands make light work!

Sunday, September 24 is Round Up Sunday. Dr. Alan Harris will be with us and will be singing as well as preaching. Our Wyebrook chef’s will be sharing the best food in the country at our luncheon along with the afternoon events of pony rides, bounce house, hay ride and other events. What a great time to invite your neighbor, friends, and family to the house of God for an afternoon of family fun. As usual it is all free!

Look forward to the opportunities to reach out and dependent upon the Master,

Pastor Perry

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