Pastor's Corner

June, 2024

Dear Family and Friends of Wyebrook,

May we continue to rejoice as we think of the Lord’s goodness to us! Psalm 92:1 It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most high. Good things happen because of God’s goodness to us. Amen? Amen!

It blessed my heart greatly to see four of our young people baptized recently. Emma and Liam Dowlin, Heaven Harvison, and Mckenna Lesh. I’m thankful that these young people made this decision (with their parents help).

As summer rolls quickly around the corner a couple of our guys are graduating high school this month Mitch Heffner and Jeff Trego. I appreciate these two young men they are here almost every Sunday and have influenced other adults and teens to come out to church and teen group with them. Congratulations Mitch and Jeff!

Andrew Peachey passed his driver’s test the first time. Go Andrew!

Almost forgot, congrats to Avery Murray as he will be finishing up high school also. Avery is a very new believer and was baptized just a few weeks ago in the Brandywine Creek. That was a real blessing as Kathy and I and several other people from our church witnessed it. Great testimony Avery!

Just a reminder to you on Sunday, June 9, 11:00 a.m. The Needham’s will be ministering and sharing with us. This family is a great witness for the Lord and very talented musicians also! Be sure to invite a friend.

Jared and Hailey Paez (Pies) missionaries to Costa Rica that we just started supporting reminded me of something we need to remember as we pray for our missionaries. The prayer from Matthew 9:38 Jesus challenges us to, Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he WILL send forth laborers into his harvest. You pray, he sends! When 9:38 a.m. or p.m. comes, pray for missions!

Excited and blessed of what the Lord is doing!

Dependent upon the Master


Pastor Perry

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