Pastor's Corner

August, 2024

Dear Body of Christ at Wyebrook,

I am thankful for the men who have taken our membership class and have decided to take it a step further and become members of our fellowship. Sean Banks, Tim Houston, and Jeff Trego are welcomed into our Church family at Wyebrook.

As we display the working body of Christ as we are seen on earth; with its head in heaven, and the visible part of the hands and feet of Jesus body on earth, we are reminded of the continued importance of the local Church. Undoubtably there was someone God used of the local body that influenced you to turn to the Lord Jesus as your personal Savior. This same truth of the importance of our witness is valuable and vital in our world today! I thank you for being a part of this local body here at Wyebrook. If you have a deeper interest in pursuing that further by church membership and/or discipleship please let me know. I want to continue to see you grow in your faith! We are reminded in 2 Peter 3:18 But grow in grace, and in knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever. Amen.

Our Vacation Bible School (VBS) is meeting in the gym beginning (today) July 28 through Thursday, August 1, 7-8:30 p.m. each evening. Please make sure you get the registration form to those children you invite. If you can help please sign up on the list under the bulletin board. Thanks to you who have already signed up. Thanks to all of you that stuck a sign in your yard advertising our VBS!

It was mentioned last week in the bulletin of a brief meeting that will be held right after church Sunday, August 4. Please plan on attending.

Awana and Teen group are just around the corner beginning Wednesday, September 4th in the gym 7:00-8:30 p.m. Can you help us out? Let me know. Thanks.

We will have our Round-Up Sunday On September 15th.  Please mark that on your calendars.

Thankful for his goodness, Dependent upon the Master

Pastor Perry

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