Pastor's Corner

September, 2024

Dear Believers at Wyebrook,

What a blessing it was to see our youth share in ministry last Sunday morning! I certainly appreciate all the young children, teens and young adults that participated. We are blessed to have these special people!

I am reminded of the blessing of the Lord in Lamentations 3:22, 23 It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new EVERY morning; great is thy faithfulness. What a great promise of his compassions not failing and his mercy being new every morning. It doesn’t get any better than that! Fresh start today.

As the fall moves in so does our start up for Awana and Teen group on Wednesday, September 4 7-8:30 pm. Please let Mike or Tammy Erdelyi know if you are interested in helping out on Wednesday nights. Mike and Tammy are the New Commanders of Awana as they have been doing the job for the last year and I have full confidence they will continue to work well with all of you that are part of the staff. Kana Miller is still the secretary of Awana and Teens. If you have children planning to attend, please give the registration forms to her. Kana has been doing a great job for over a year. Thank you ahead of time to all of you that have committed yourselves to allowing the Lord to use you to make this valuable ministry of our church and making it successful!

Believe it or not our Annual Round-Up Sunday is coming up September 15! We have changed it to the third Sunday of the month because for the last few years it has rained every fourth Sunday! We are looking forward to clearer weather, Lord willing. Dr. Alan Harris will be singing and preaching for us that special day. As always, we request your extra effort to invite unchurched family and friends. This could be the start of something special for those not in the house of the Lord and maybe even the family’s salvation. Help with the food is needed and a little extra food for our guests. We must invite folks out if we want to see them come! All the special activities are planned and scheduled to be here. Please plan on staying and enjoying the time together especially with those you invite.

Honey Brook Harmony Day is rescheduled for Saturday, September 21. This is a super special day for out-reach into our community. We will be set up from 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at Honey Brook Power, right along Route 322.  Please help us out with this evangelistic out-reach. Whether it is one hour or the whole four hours we need help handing out church brochures that tell of the gospel. Seed must be planted if we expect a crop. Amen? Amen! Puppet shows will be loved by all.

Yes, a lot is happening and I want to see you be a part of that. So, all hands-on deck. Thanks ahead of time for your labor of love whatever you are involved in our church.

Excited and encouraged, dependent upon the Master,

Pastor Perry

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