Pastor's Corner

October, 2024

Dear Faithful Believers at Wyebrook,

Please continue to be with us as we journey through the book of 1 John on Sunday’s at 11:00 a.m. I am planning to take a chapter a week. You can catch chapter 1 on the internet and if you want a set of notes please ask. I am thankful that John writes as he is inspired by the Holy Spirit “that your joy may by full.”

Thankful again for your help with the last event of Round-up Sunday. After many rainy years, we had great weather and a very good turnout for our event.  I greatly appreciate all the time spent in preparation of food and the events happening. The children seemed especially busy and enjoyed all that was going on!

Our out-reach at Honey Brook Harmony Day was good also. Thanks to all who helped. Everyone was staying very busy handing out church invitations and talking with the people passing by. Kait shared the wordless book salvation message with the children, Kana and Krystal did a great job face painting and the puppets were very enjoyable. Planting seed is what this event is all about. Good job people.

May we continue to be faithful in doing the work of the Lord. As we give of ourselves, our time and our finances may we be mindful that the Lord’s blessing is upon us.

Check the tri-fold for up-coming events and if you can be with us tonight, we will be around the campfire enjoying testimony and prayer time together and roast a couple hot dogs and marshmallows.

Thankful and dependent upon the Master,

Pastor Perry

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