Dear Beloved Servants of the Lord at Wyebrook,
I think this may be one of toughest letters to write but on the other hand I write with great joy. Tough because this will be the last Pastor’s letter I will write, but the joy is that I believe God has great things in store for our Church and our new pastor, Pastor Kenneth Miller. This is a “new” exciting chapter in the history of Wyebrook Baptist Church. For me it is an answer to my prayer that I have prayed for years to have the right man to step in as our new pastor! Wow, Praise be to the Lord!
Many of you have asked what Kathy and I are planning to do in our retirement. At this time we are going to continue to live in East Earl and attend here at Wyebrook. For a few months we have plans to visit a few churches of fellow pastors and attend church with our family. Yes, a cruise is planned and we are looking forward to continue working in the after-school Bible club at Honey Brook Elementary on Thursdays. We will be around but you may not see us for a while on Sunday after the first of the year.
I believe it is important for Pastor Ken to establish himself here. Ken, Kana, Eden and Isla (pronounced “eyela”) will be moving into the house in back of the church. With Pastor Ken and Kana being here for the past three years they have a good handle on the folks as well as how our ministries operate. I am very thankful these folks are already involved here and things are going well!
May I ask for your faithfulness to the Lord, which in turn is faithfulness to HIS Church. As the Church is the bride of Christ in the scriptures, so it is so very precious to him. His loving kindness, mercy, patience, endurance is shown to you daily. YOU are the Church. Let’s be thinking of what we can do to encourage one another as Ephesians 5:25 reminds us that Christ loved the Church and gave himself for it.
Your kindness to Kathy and I have been greatly appreciated. Thank you for the many blessings that you have been to us. God is good; he is good all the time.
Dependent upon the Master,
Pastor Perry Stewart
A note from Kathy:
My Dear Church Family,
I have counted it a privilege and joy to serve God and you all here at Wyebrook. Thank you for that opportunity. Thank you for the support and friendship you have given to us both through the years.
With love and cherished memories,