Pastor's Corner

July, 2023

Dear Saints of Wyebrook,

May we continue to rejoice in the Lord’s goodness to us as Paul states in Philippians 4:4 “Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.” Not always the easiest thing to do but may we focus on God’s goodness to help us do it.

I appreciate all who helped at the Sunday luncheon we had when the Needham’s were here. What a blessing they are each time they minister to us! They are already booked to come back in 2024.

Just a reminder to you about Sunday, July 16 right after Church we have our annual Church picnic at West Nantmeal Park pavilion. Please make sure you bring all your food and drinks as we put it all together and enjoy not only the food but the fellowship. If you want to invite others that is great. Just make sure you make extra for them!

Sunday, July 23 we plan to go to Dairy Queen in Guthriesville for ice cream and fellowship after the evening service. Please plan on coming. Each person is paying for their own.

As we have begun saving money for our parking lot redo a few years from now may I encourage you to make a special gift when possible and mark it parking lot on your envelope. Thanks for what you will do.

Our Vacation Bible School is scheduled for August 6-10, 7:00 – 8:30 nightly. Volunteers are needed, please pray if this is a ministry God is leading you to help in. A sign-up sheet will be available soon. See Tammy Erdelyi for more details on this year’s fun VBS!

As we continue to pray for much needed rain, would you join us daily in this request?

Looking forward to our summer activities and depending on the Master,

Pastor Perry

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