Pastor's Corner

May, 2022

Dear Praying Saints of Wyebrook,

Thank you for your prayers and efforts to invite others to our Easter services. I appreciate those of you that attended both services as well. We had a good crowd at both services and always enough food to feed well over the 100 people we served. Thanks to you all for the work of the ministry. My heart was greatly blessed to see folks there we had not seen for a long time and those of you that are faithful and the choir did a great job on the music! I also want to say thanks for befriending the new folks. It sure was an exciting day and one of great blessing.

May I encourage you a week ahead of time to make plans to pray in May daily with the prayer partner you choose. The power of prayer is powerful. Let’s unleash that by taking the time to pray daily and attend our special days of prayer as you will see in the May tri-fold.

By the way, why not get out of your comfort zone and think about possibly praying with more than one partner! That certainly would be a blessing to those you pray with. The Lord might surprise you with a blessing also.

Malachi 3:16 Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened, and heard it and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord and that thought upon his name. (They must have prayed!)

Let’s pray for and with one another. God’s blessings are often found in answered prayer. Amen? Amen.

Continuing to pray, dependent upon the Master

Pastor Perry

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