Pastor's Corner

April, 2022

Dear Faithful Saints at Wyebrook,

I am thankful we are seeing the evidences of spring. God in his great creation is causing flowers to come up out of the dirt, grass in places starting to turn green and growing, forsythia bushes blooming. It reminds me that warmer weather is closer and closer to us. That is real hope that will come to pass very soon! Psalm 24:1 reminds us, The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.

Just as that hope of spring coming and evidences of the season change to spring, so our relationship with the Lord needs to improve continuously. Though we cannot make the change alone, we can do things that will help us see godly changes as the seasons of the Lord’s earth are visible.

May we remember to take the time to read and study God’s word. I want to challenge you with this question. Do you have a plan to read and study the word of God? You have heard me mention this in the past messages of the importance of following through with a plan. What is your plan to take God’s work in? Reading through a book of the Bible is a great way to start! If you need some kind of study guide please let me know and we will find something for you. A Read the Bible Through schedule can be found in the plastic display racks at the two exit doors. We have three adult classes as well as children and teens class on Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. you can be a part of also.

A prayer time specifically set apart to purposely pray is needed to see evidences of growth. Praying with someone for a given period of time like a month is also a great way to help you keep on track. May, the month of prayer for us at Wyebrook is not far away. May is the month that we choose a prayer partner we pray with daily. There will be more info as we draw near to May.

As your Bible reading and study time plus your prayer time will lead you into inviting others to Church and witnessing to others about their need of Christ as Savior.

Easter is a great time to invite those you care about to the house of God. With our Easter Sunday Morning Celebration there really is something for everyone and amazingly enough it is all free! The Gospel is free, good friendship and fellowship and yes, even the good food is free! May we give of ourselves as Christ has given of himself. Check the bulletin or this trifold for Easter info! Don’t forget the business card invitations to give out to those you want to see here Easter Sunday!

Awaiting His soon coming and the dependent upon the Master,

Pastor Perry

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